The Daydreamer is a 1966 stop motion animation that involves musical and fantasy film produced by the VideoCraft International. The film's opening cast features them in puppet and live form. With this film, it is created with an single string of wire or just cut out pieces. It uses stop motion very efficiently as it is a good effect towards the audience. The purpose of the film is that it helps to show and give the audience emotional responses whilst watching the film and really engages them to watch the film more and more, the music in general creates a rhythm towards all the scenes and the segments and comments in the film.
This is a film called Boxtrolls and it uses 3D printing.
Invented in the 1650s
allows people to experience movie like experience
by the 18th century
the lantern's were popular
projections come brighter and lighter as
the lanterns are used for the audience
creates illusion of movement by moving very fast in circular movement and making
all the images seem to be combined in one continued moving image
This is Postman Pat a TV series. Postman Pat is a British Stop Motion animation children's television series first produced by Woodland Animations, it is aimed at many preschool-age children and follows the adventures of Pat Clifton a postman who works for Royal Mail postal service in the fictional village of Greendale. An animator typically completes about 10 seconds of footage each day which is then 540 tiny movements and over the course of the production they will shoot it almost 250,000 unique frames. Also, as I watched Postman Pat when I was younger it also has a personal touch towards me so it has a personal effect to me
Puppet Animation
The Daydreamer is a 1966 stop motion animation that involves musical and fantasy film produced by the VideoCraft International. The film's opening cast features them in puppet and live form. With this film, it is created with an single string of wire or just cut out pieces. It uses stop motion very efficiently as it is a good effect towards the audience. The purpose of the film is that it helps to show and give the audience emotional responses whilst watching the film and really engages them to watch the film more and more, the music in general creates a rhythm towards all the scenes and the segments and comments in the film.
Time lapse animation
The Illusion of lights was a time lapse animation posted in 2015 this uses stop motion because of how inside of the stop motion you can see that pictures have been taken from the same viewpoint from the animation video and the between frame shots is consistent throughout. The purpose of this animation is that it provides rapid speed when it is going at normal speed which then helps to present the Time-lapse.The target audience for this is that anyone should be able to view it
Found objects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEglOulvgSY
This is a stop motion advert that involves objects that move around this is quite informing to the audience as you can see how it has been animated and would impress the audience as well. It fits the purpose exactly because of it's different and you haven't seen this type of thing before. It was posted on Youtube in 2016 and relatively the audience liked what they were seeing stop motion has been used in this because of how the found objects move around
Pixelation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icyBFBe3I2k&feature=emb_title
This here is a Tv commercial advert that uses Pixelation. On the 27th of July in 2007 this commercial was posted to advertise on what XBOX is really about and the pixelation used is very effective. The use of stop motion animation is that the morphing and mouldable nature of Plasticne is shown off in full throughout as it is all being animated and interacting. with a human character. The link between animator and animation is perfectly shown throughout the commercial with great models in for a really entertaining commercial. The target audience for this would be for anyone but mainly teenagers as not everyone plays video games.
Cut-Out Animation https
://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrFfkeEZHFEThe cutout animation I have chosen is a music video called Giangrande - Paper Plane, in this Cut out animation it is very good what happens, as teddy bears and turtles start strolling the guitar to the theme of the music and I think this is very creative to see. Giangrande - paper plane was released on youtube on the 29th september in 2013 so it has been out for 7 years now. This would be aimed for a younger target audience as of what is happening inside of the music video as the purpose would easily fit and help to promote sales for the music video and it helps too promote new artists to an audience and maintain an audience focus on an existing artist and promotes an image of a band or an artist.
Brick Animation
Bricks in motion is a documentary that was posted online two years ago. it uses stop motion because it is a brick animation. This would be aimed at a younger target possibly kids as of how it shows what children would like to see at that age. The purpose of this brick animation would be to entertain and conveys a clear message as it's a documentary informing younger children on how brick animation works.
Sculpture is the making of 3d forms. There are 3 types Carving,Modeling and Assembly. Carving is when the scultpor has gotten rid of the material that is unwanted as materials such as block of wood,stone and other materials that are hard are used. Modeling is when the sculptor has created a building up from material that is made of plastic. This is also called addcitve scultpure as Clay, paper mache and other materials are then modeled into a scripture. Assembly is whent the sculptor has joined prefabricated elements as in welded metal constructions Materials such as steel, wood and material found e.g. glue or weided materials
An armature is how kinematic chains are used inside computer animation as it helps to stimulate the motions of virtual human or animal characters. There are two types of didgital armatures Kyframing and real time. keyframing was created to help in animating chaacters that are digital and it doe it without showing any movement. The animator poses a device that can then show manually for each keyframe as whilst the character in the animation is then to set it up mechanically that is then equivalent towards the armature. As the device is then connected through a program with a drive each move can be made frame by frame in time.
Real time armature ain't quite different but they are puppetered by at least two people and is shown in real time. inside of every puppet stop motion character is an armature, Armature fills two main functions as it must in a similar way to human to then help give the animation life. The inner skletral structure has to be the most close to human like as possible because this includes having finger flexiblity and have joint flexiblity. the second of an armature is that it isn't supposed to move at al as it has some stiffnes when it is positioned into place
Example of this used is in King Kong (1933)
3D Printing
This is the action of making a 3d dimenional object that is physcial from a 3d dimensional model that is digital this is typically by layering down many layers that are thin of material or in a succession. 3D printing works by simply taking the data that is graphical from the computer aided manufacturing tool and then it cuts the data to help accomodate seperate layers or components. The segmented/graphical data is then sent to the 3D Printer and this applies the recquired accomdotion of raw material for that particular layer.
Hi Kevin
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of great links here and evidence of hard work here- well done!
Could you focus on picing three FORMS of stopmotion (eg. advert, TV Show, music video) and
a)explain the process of the animation used (eg. what is the process of pixelation?)
b) talk about how stopmotion is used for the purpose of the clip. For example, how is stopmotion used to entertain, inform or persuade the audience? Is it successful?